Hi, I'm Daniel St. Clair

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I'm a front-end web developer located in Austin, TX who is just as enthusiastic about DOM manipulation as I am about action movies and vinyl.

I recently graduated from The Iron Yard Academy with a focus on AngularJS, Backbone, jQuery, vanilla JavaScript, as well as SASS, CSS3 and HTML5. We also worked with Yeoman, Bower, Git, and the art of mind-blowing.


A webapp for vinyl collectors to be able to keep track of their collection.
Stack: AngularJS, jQuery, Sass, and SailsJS using the Spotify API.

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My first experience working a a cross-functional team. A webapp for sharing recipes amongst Iron Yard students. I was primarily a designer in this but helped with front end tasks. (currently in version 0.0.1).
Stack: Rails, Angular, Sass

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One of our first projects, a rebuild using a site as a static mockup.
Stack: CSS3 and HTML5

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Let's work together.

I'm currently looking to hone my skills with the right company.
Contact me below or view my résumé.